Tuesday, October 29, 2019

No city in the world has been designed for and by the automobile as Essay

No city in the world has been designed for and by the automobile as has Los Angeles - Essay Example Seemingly, the nature and design of its city has adopted similar trends. To a large extent, its distinctive features are reflective of the auto-culture that the respective society has assumed. To begin with, the land use practices in the city of Los Angeles underscore the fact that the locals place great emphasis on the use of vehicles. In this respect, Bottles indicates that the central business district of Los Angeles has allocated up to 79% of its total area to packing facilities, garages and streets (Bottles 33). These facilities imply that a significant percentage of the inhabitants use vehicles. The sidewalks on the other hand have shrunk significantly as very few pedestrians use them. Certainly, the high use of automobiles greatly influences the urban land use decisions that are developed, implemented and enforced by the relevant authorities. Another indicator of automobile dominance in Los Angeles pertains to the increase of traffic congestion in the region. Transport and urban reports of this nation cite traffic congestion as one of the main problems that Los Angeles is currently grappling with. Although intervention measures such as improvement and expansion of the road system network have been undertaken in the recent past, the problem still persists. Relevant authorities are still taking measures to address this issue through construction of more freeways. Comparatively, these require less space than the current road network structure. The emergence and flourishing of relative automobile industries is also indicative of increasing dominance of the automobile culture. In this respect, Bottles indicates that gas stations have increased significantly, repair and auto parts stores and several other automobile dealership has increased (Bottles 47). This trend ascertains that the population greatly values the automobile. These seek to respond to the increasing and changing needs of the users. To a great extent, this also seeks to offer new

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