Thursday, November 21, 2019

Concert review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Concert review - Essay Example The emperor notes that while the sun is full of majesty and that its rays are all ablaze with ever- living glory he is not intimidated by this for he knows his worth. The emperor further compares himself with the moon which rules the night sky and which by all accounts is not ashamed of its lowly position even given that it only reflects the suns light. By declaring that he knows his worth and that of the moon, the emperor accepts although indirectly that the sun is a greater master. The song paints an ambitious emperor who would like to equal the sun in all its celestial majesty. The Mikado was set in Japan although its target audience was in Europe. At the time, contact between the Japanese and the Europeans had been properly grounded and the Europeans knew a lot about Japanese culture and were eager for more. Being very satirical and targeting British institutions in its satire, the choice of Japanese culture and themes made it easier for the opera to more harshly criticize British institution. As a piece of art however, the Mikado and as an extension The sun, whose rays stands out in many ways no wonder they are loved to this day. The lyrical composition of the song was superb and the theme and setting

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